Carson MiniBrite Pocket Magnifier Reviews
Carson MiniBrite Pocket Magnifier Feature
- The Carson MiniBrite Pocket Magnifier is a compact 3x power slide-out magnifier with a protective plastic sleeve. T
- The built-in LED light makes it perfect for use in the dark, and its crystal-clear acrylic aspheric lens gives you a sharp, distortion-free view.
The MiniBrite Pocket Magnifier is compact enough to fit in your shirt pocket.
Detail Products
- Lightwedge Lighted Pocket Magnifier, Black
- Mighty Bright Lighted Pop-Up Magnifier, Silver
- Carson Optical Lighted Magnifold Magnifier
- Bausch & Lomb Aspeheric Packette, 5x
- SE Illuminated Magnifier - 2X (4-LED)
Detail Reviews

Jun 29, 2011 17:32:04
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